Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Fall of Heron Hall

Mighty Heron Hall, stronghold of the Wardens, had become a symbol of vigilance and righteousness. Its residents were on the forefront of battle with the forces of evil. When the Faedwyr burst back into Ember Shoals, they set their sights upon the fortress.

The Faedwyr army ravaged across the breadth of Ember Shoals, leaving a path of destruction in its path. Scattered forces tried valiantly to stem the tide but they were overwhelmed. Within days, the Faedwyr army was encamped on the outskirts of Heron Hall.

When night fell, the enemy forces moved to the attack. First, dark sorcerers used infernal powers to blow open the gates of the castle. The Faedwyr bridged the moat then a horde of bloodthirsty warriors rushed across.
Picture from
The defenders valiantly tried to stave off the attack. They cut down the Faedwyr left and right, but the enemy kept coming in droves. They forced the defenders back from the gate into the courtyard. From there, the Faedwyr scattered throughout the castle, cutting down all who stood in their way. A small coterie of defenders retreated to the keep. They kept up a stiff resistance, but the Faewyr attackers seemed limitless. One by one, the Wardens fell.

Finally, only one defender remained. He stood on the top of the keep, surrounded by enemies. One of the Faedwyr lords called for his surrender. He refused, and with a shout of defiance, he charged the enemy. One-two-three-four and more fell to his determined blade. But he could not resist the numbers. A spear thrust out, catching him in the leg. He fell to his knees on the stone tiles of the roof. A blade sliced his back and he pitched forward onto his face. Then the enemy rushed in and began to hack at him.

As he took his last breath, the could hear a sound in the distance. A horn resounded through the valley. Reinforcements! Alas, they were too late. Heron Hall had fallen.

OOC Notes:

  • This story represents the second battle game of our February event. It was a castle battle. The attackers had to cross a drawbridge and take a control point past the "castle" gates. Each side got a chance to defend (we actually ran the scenario four times. Each time the attackers overwhelmed the defenders).
  • The story of the last valiant defender is pure fiction.

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