On one such expedition, the party came across a hidden pathway. Here they find the skeletal remains of a Warden. Searching him, they find the following note:
"I have been wounded during a melee with goblins. I can no longer keep up with the party so I have asked Shroudstar to leave me while she searches for the Rod."
The party leader sucked in his breath. This was a clue to the lost expedition on the quest to find the fabled Gardener's Rod!
Excitedly, the leader read more:
"It has been days and Shroudstar has not returned. Now I hear scuffling from the thickets. There could be trouble."
There was no more to the note.
The leader determined to press on, and hopefully discover the fate of Shroudstar and the Rod.
After traveling a bit further down the path, the woods parted and the group entered a secluded glen. In the middle was a statue, with a staff lying at its feet.
A pair of tall trees flanked the statue.
As the party approached, the trees came to life and attacked. At first, this assault forced the scouts back. They tried to counter, but their blades could barely nick the hardened trunks.
"We must get that rod!" called the leader.
One of the party, a bard from the Iron Heart Accord, began to chant. A powerful ray of energy emitted from him, shoving the trees away from the Rod. Another scout grabbed it, and began backing away, shielded by a third member of the party. Enraged, the trees rushed forward, but again the beam of energy forced them back. The party was able to retreat from the glen with the Rod in their possession. As they returned to the path, the trees ended their pursuit. The Gardener's Rod was theirs!
But what happened to Shroudstar and the Horn of the Hurricane?
OOC Notes
- This was the second scenario from our February HFS day.
- Xhorja, Artemis, and Ferrum played the scouting party while Beast and Blade were the trees (Amtgard oakens). I believe Xhorja played bard; in any event he used Shove to move the trees away. Ferrum was able to grab the Rod and Artemis protected his escape.
- According to our lore, Shroudstar had the Horn when her party was defeated by the oakens. Since then, she has not been spotted in Ember Shoals (IRL she moved from the area). So now I need to explain how we get the Horn back!