Tuesday, March 26, 2024

A&S is Dumb


I saw a post on Facebook promoting an A&S (crafting) contest. It set me off because I HATE crafting. I was working on a long argument explaining why but it got to be too much. Instead, I give you my TL, DR version.
  • I hate it when I see A&S promotions because they push A&S like it's something everyone should do. No, people don't need to craft. It is NOT part of the game.
    • Think about it. You can enjoy the game without ever crafting.
  • I hate A&S contests for a variety of reasons. One major flaw is that we reward people who craft for the sake of crafting. In other words, they craft something for themselves and the judges, but it does not enhance the game in any way.
  • Instead, we should promote crafting that enhances the game.
    • Like sewing? Help make garb for new players.
    • Like cooking? Make a feast for the group.
    • Like weapon making? Craft some high-quality loaner weapons.
    • And so on.
  • Want to reward crafters? Reward them for the service they provide to the group.
I could elaborate, but I'm tired of crafting this post. Feel free to chat with me about it at an event.