Friday, February 12, 2016

The Wardens of Wyvernwatch

Before I continue my tale, I should provide a little more detail about my personal development with respect to knighthood,

Throughout my years I have mustered under numerous banners and fought for numerous causes. I must admit, however, that the cause I was most interested in and fought the hardest for was me. My main concern was my own advancement. Alas, as I mentioned before, I found my cause to be unfulfilling. I wanted something more.

I began to study the principles of knighthood and found something illuminating. Surprisingly, the word “knight” comes from the Saxon tongue and literally means “servant.”  For the highest duty of a knight is to be a servant to his lord. I had an epiphany; I was doing it wrong all this time. I sought knighthood to elevate myself. To be a true knight, I needed to humble myself and become a servant to another.

But whom should I serve? That is actually an easy question. Any true knight should seek to serve the greatest lord of them all, and there is no other but our Lord Jesus Christ. I have been a Christian as long as I can remember but I admit that I have not always served Him. I decided that would change. I eschewed my old titles and ceased to wear my personal heraldry. Instead, I would display the sign of my Lord, the cross, and I would put my sword in the service of righteousness.

The Wardens
Charged with the defense of Wyvernwatch, I Rufus decided to create an order of warriors to take up the call. I wanted us to be defenders of righteousness so I organized it as a religious brotherhood, pledging our allegiance to our Lord Jesus Christ.

What would we be called? I toyed with more grandiloquent names such as Dragonbane, but I preferred a simpler designation. I settled upon the humble name of the Wardens. It perfectly fit my vision of valiant guardians dedicated to warding evil from the land.

Next, I needed to design our heraldry. As I contemplated, I spotted a great white heron vigilantly stalking its prey. Inspiration struck! The heron was an ancient symbol of contemplation, vigilance, divine wisdom, inner quietness, righteousness, and the eternal struggle of good against evil.  It would make the perfect mascot. However, I realized that our heraldry needed the sigil of Our Lord upon it. After many trials, I decided on a simple design of the cross on a golden sun (because Christ is the light of the world). Our mascot flanks the basic design, ever vigilant.

We already had a watch tower but we needed a stronghold. We built a castle. Within the castle’s keep we built a great hall, where our order would meet. Tapestries depicting herons were hung from its walls. Soon people were calling our home Heron Hall. It has been our home to this very day.

OOC Notes

  • This epiphany was not restricted to my character. I came to the conclusion that I should focus more on God than myself so I made it a personal quest to strengthen my relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • A;though I claim to belong to a company called the Wardens, they exist more in my imagination than in real life because I am the only member. It is a combination of my idealized company and a role-playing vessel.

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