After making her decision, Shroudstar led her party down the third path. As the mists parted, they could see that the path made its way through some light woods. In the distance, they could see a glen with a statue holding a staff. The Gardener's Rod!
"Hurry!" one of the members shouted as he ran down the path. Before Shroudstar could stop him, one of the trees stepped out onto the path and clubbed him with one of its branches. The warrior crumpled to the ground.
"Prepare yourself." It looks like we'll need to fight our way through.
The heroes marched resolutely into the fray. The trees converged on the party and battle commenced. Swords slashed and spears stabbed, but the blows seemed to stick into the bark. Then the trees struck back. Heavy limbs crushed shields and bruised the heroes. They were forced back.
As the party retreated, the trees ponderously advanced. Realizing that they moved slowly, the party tried to use its speed to avoid the trees. But as they neared the statue, a man with hair and beard like the foliage appeared. He was a Green Man. He began casting spells and striking with his own weapons. Once again the party was forced back.
Shroudstar used her stealth abilities to approach near the statue. She remembered Rufus's letter: "I have managed to send you the Horn of Hurricane. You will need it to reclaim the Rod." She reasoned that she needed to sound the Horn to claim the Rod. As she neared the statue, she blew upon the Horn and the statue's grip eased, However, the sound of the Horn drew the Rod's defenders on her, and she was forced back before she could grab it.
The battle continued for some time. The heroes fought well but could not overcome the strength of the oakens. Seriously wounded heroes, including Shroudstar herself, retreated back down the path. Finally, only one hero remained. He made a mad dash for the Rod. He drew near, reached out and nearly grasped it, but then numerous branches bludgeoned him to the ground.
By now a heavy downpour deluged our heroes as they dejectedly trudged back to the Brine Slough. Shroudstar wondered, "Did I pick a wrong path?"
OOC Notes
- Indeed, she picked the wrong path. If she had chosen the second (two's company) then her party would have fought fairies instead of oakens.
- Hollywood from Crest Haven was the brave hero who nearly reached the Horn at the end. Alas, he was swarmed by opponents before he could reach the Rod.
- And yes, it poured on us, which prevented us from finishing the quest. I was going to allow the heroes to choose another path and try again. Perhaps they would have been successful the second time around. As it is, I have an idea to wrap up this quest.