Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Fibber's Flagon

The following passage has been taken from the pages of the journal of Lord Admiral Kettlebaun.

A curious magic item of either halfling or gnomish design; though none can be absolutely certain due to the proclivity of both races play pranks upon larger, stupider folk.
Its properties bear mentioning, whilst beneficial...there can be certain hindrances if more than one is used at a time. Such as rendering a person powerless for a time. Oddly, this only seems to affect preternatural abilities & magicks. Raw martial prowess is unaffected.The first, is it's miraculous ability to remain ever full. A man can drain it's contents to the dregs & the cup will fill itself again of it's own accord.
Second of which are it's restorative powers! A single sip will cure diseases, restore lost limbs, & heal the body whole! A delightful tool in any event.
Thirdly & the most seemingly inconspicuous ability of the Fibber's Flagon, is its power to render the bearer immune to mental dominion so long as the tankard is carried & an old sea shanty is sung or hummed aloud...whether this is an inherent magick placed upon the Flagon or an after thought conjured up by its most recent bearer is yet to be determined.
Speaking of its history & bearers, there have been countless tales of this auspicious mug being lost & found by the most unlikely individuals. You never know just where the blasted thing may turn up!

The Fibber's Flagon (also known as Kettlebaun's Crock) was last rumored to be in the possession of a certain halfling pirate Lord in the Ember Shoals...

OOC Notes

  • The Fibber's Flagon is an artifact that we created as the prize in the recent Caligo tournament.
  • Its powers:
    • Can be used as a heavy throwing weapon (can be used by the owner regardless of class)
    • Grants healing like a Potion of Healing
    • If the owner chants or sings while holding the Flagon, it acts like a Song of Determination
    • If both powers are used, then the bearer is Suppressed for 60 seconds
  • Only the owner is able to use it
  • Robb (the former Kettlebaun) built the flagon, developed its powers, and provided the above lore.

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