Tuesday, March 7, 2017

My Ideal Organization

I'm taking a break from lore stories to jot down some thoughts on foam-fighting organizations.

Soon Ember Shoals will send its petition to join the Amtgard kingdom of Neverwinter. I must admit to having reservations about this move. Not that I have anything against Amtgard - I actually love the v8 rules. However, Amtgard's "government" is the antithesis of my ideal organization. The issue boils down to centralization and standardization vs. decentralization and local autonomy.

Amtgard is a model of centralization. There is a national board of directors and committee (Circle of Monarchs) that govern changes to the rule book. They have a nationally standardized system of awards and titles (including knighthoods). They have far-flung kingdoms that reign over a number of local chapters, verifying that the chapters submit the correct paperwork and controlling higher level awards. Amtgard has devised a rational system that ensures that the local chapters play correctly. Sounds good, right? I loathe it.

I much prefer a decentralized system where local chapters have the autonomy to play the way they want. They should have the right to modify the rules of play as they see fit (although they should be wary of reducing safety regulations). Instead of a nationally standardized system of awards and titles, I think chapters should have the freedom to give out those that they feel are justified (even knighthoods!). The chapters should be allowed to determine the standards they wish to follow rather than have them imposed from above by a faceless administrative body.

Furtthermore, I dislike Amtgard's kingdoms. They are just too large. For example, Neverwinter spans from Georgia to Miami. Its size makes it impractical for a majority of the population to attend kingdom events. This creates a dichotomy between those who can travel and those who cannot. I would like to see smaller kingdoms but because Amtgard imposes restrictions on becoming a kingdom this is difficult to implement. A park could opt to be a freehold, but Amtgard essentially punishes them by making it impossible to gain higher level awards.

I would like to break away from the Amtgard model and see a different structure for foam-fighting,
  • The rules of play should be open source.
    • A new chapter would not need to sign a contract to play the game.
    • Chapters would have the right to tweak the rules as they see fit.
  • Chapters would be autonomous.
    • They would have the freedom to give out awards and titles as they see fit, without needing approval from a higher body. (The rules of play could include a suggested awards system but the chapter could modify it as desired).
    • Without having to report to a higher authority, the chapters would have less paperwork.
  • Nearby chapters could ally together to form a kingdom in order to coordinate events.
    • Kingdom size will likely be smaller, and therefore more accessible to a greater percentage of the population.
    • Kingdom boundaries will not be imposed from above but will grow organically from the bottom up.
    • Chapters will not be forced into a kingdom they dislike, and they can always leave as they desire.
    • Kingdoms do not have to threaten chapter autonomy. 
      • The chapter will maintain full authority over its internal affairs (including awards and titles).
      • Kingdom officials will simply focus on organizing events.
Ironically, this sounds a lot like Belegarth. Pity it doesn't have classes and spells like Amtgard.

1 comment:

  1. Just an update - there IS an organization that adheres to my philosophy of decentralization - the High Fantasy Society
