Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Hastings Scenario

Recently, someone posted on the Florida LARP Facebook page asking for assistance in coming up with some scenarios. First up is my take on the battle of Hastings.

Set Up
  • Divide the players into 2 teams - Norman and Saxon
  • Designate one player on each team to be the king - William for the Normans and Harold for the Saxons.
    • You may want to give each king a crown made of paper or foam.
  • Set up the battlefield as shown.
    • Flags are the spawn points for each team.
    • The oval is a hill. You can mark it out with rope, paint (if allowed), or even a real hill.

  • A team wins by killing the other team's king.
  • Kings get 1 point of bubble armor, which allows them to ignore one hit per life.
  • Saxons get 1 point of bubble armor when on the hill.
    • This also applies to Harold, so he has 2 points of bubble armor when on the hill.
  • Unless respawning, players must remain 10' away from the spawn point.
  • When killed, players may respawn at their team's spawn point. They need to touch the point and then count to 5.
  • I suggest giving kings 4 respawns. Soldiers have unlimited respawns.

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