Sunday, January 10, 2016

Against the Assassins

I would like to interrupt my history in order to narrate a recent event. I received a messenger from Crest Haven, one of our neighbors to the north (on the mainland within the Kingdom of Neverwinter). They had been beset by assassins, who were trying to infiltrate the barony. For what purpose we have not ascertained. Crest Haven was in need of assistance in vanquishing this blight. I pledged the assistance of Ember Shoals. Alas, the freebooters of the freehold refused (still angered by the prohibition, no doubt). Without the aid of Kettlebaun's influence, I was unable to sway them. Thus, I readied the Divine Providence and set sail for Crest Haven with a contingent of Wardens.

The Wardens arrived in time to join in a defense of the barony. A swarm of assassins were trying to cross three bridges that led into the heart of the capital. They did not count on our stout defense. We held the leftmost bridge, then pushed the assassins back toward their encampment. Victory!

Unfortunately, some of the assassins managed to sneak past our initial defenses and assault the castle itself. Once again, the Wardens were in the heart of battle. Although the assassins seized the castle courtyard, we rushed into battle and cut them down. The scouting skills that we have learned in pursuit of monsters served us well; we were able to track some of the dastardly assassins as they tried to hide in the shadows. Justice was quickly served.

This led to an all-out battle against the assassins. Alas, I was wounded so my men dragged me from the battle. We retreated to the Divine Providence. I now await word of the result of the battle.

I beg thee pardon but I have made allusion to events that I have not yet chronicled. Allow me to provide brief explanations.

  • The Divine Providence is the war galley of the Wardens. We use it to patrol to coast of Ember Shoals
  • Since my assumption of the leadership of Ember Shoals (my current home), I have banned alcohol (I shall relate the story behind it later). It has not set well with the less savory citizens of our freehold.
  • The former leader, Lord Admiral Kettlebaun Thistleswyfte, has mysteriously disappeared about a month ago. All searches have proved fruitless.

OOC Notes
  • This is just a brief description of today's Crest Haven Mid-Reign. My battle descriptions are of the scenarios
    • Scenario 1 - Capture the Flag, with bridges and a catapult that shot people across the chasm. I was on the left. My team consistently managed to push forward on the left and seize the enemy flag.
    • Scenario 2 - Assassins vs Guards fighting for a control point (the castle). Each team got to play both roles. As a Guard, I helped seize and hold the control point. I was not as successful as an assassins (the Guards won every time.
    • Scenario 3 - Full Class Battle. Some people were hitting a bit too hard for my tastes so I dropped out of the game. I had to leave at this point.
  • It was an enjoyable day of fighting. I felt that I did pretty well and that I helped contribute to success in the first 2 scenarios.
  • Here is a short video with me in action. I'm in the white tunic, blue shield, wearing the black helm (actually an MMA mask)

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