Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Honey Bear Hunt

The grand tournament had just completed when a messenger approached King Xhorja.

"Your Majesty, an urgent missive from Queen Beatrice of Hive Island." the messenger stated as he bowed before the monarch. Xhorja took the message and read:
King Xhorja, 
I am in dire need. The honey bears have raided our hive and have stolen all our honey. We require assistance. Please send us hunters who can capture the bears and recover our honey. If we don't, our hive shall face starvation. 
With Gratitude,
Queen Beatrice of the Hive 
P.S. I do not wish to see any harm come to the honey bears. Please subdue rather than kill them.
Xhorja called out, "Prepare yourselves, lords and ladies. We are going on a hunt!"

A few days later, King Xhorja's party arrived at Hive Island. Queen Beatrice reiterated that she did not want the honey bears hurt. King Xhorja had the party's weapons ensorcelled so that they could not wound but only subdue. He then gave the instructions:

"Whoever returns with the most honey shall be declared Champion of the Hunt!"

The hunters fanned out across the island, tracking the thieving bears. Soon, many scuffles broke out. Honey bears are not typically aggressive, preferring to snack upon their favorite food than fight. However, when their honey is threatened they can become quite fierce. Many a hunter fell wounded by the sharp teeth and claws of the bears. Fortunately, Orion was prepared with healing spells. He traversed the island, restoring the wounded.

Another tactic of the bears, when desperate, was to throw some of their honey at their pursuers. The honey would temporarily stick the target in place. Some of the bears used this tactic to escape.

Ultimately, the hunters gathered up most of the honey. They returned and had their hauls weighed. Orion had the largest cache, just edging out Artemis.

"Orion," asked the impressed king, "how did you manage to gather so much?"

"Simple, Your Majesty," Orion replied. "I traded heals for honey."

Well, the king found himself in a bind. He merely stated that whoever returned with the most would win. He did not specify how one should get the honey. He had no choice but to declare Orion Champion of the Hunt.

OOC Notes
  • This is the story of last Sunday's scenario. Robb wanted a hunt but Elizabeth doesn't like to see animals hurt (even if they are fictional). So I devised the honey bear hunt to satisfy both of them.
  • There were 2 teams - one of hunters and the other honey bears. After 10 minutes, the teams switched roles.
    • Hunters were allowed to play a class
    • Bears had 1 point of natural armor, 2 short or long weapons (natural), and a "honey shot" spell that worked like Hold Person.
  • Both bears and hunters had unlimited lives.
  • Each bear carried a piece of honey candy (literally). When subdued (achieved with an otherwise killing blow) the bear would hand over his/her candy. The bear could then re-spawn and get another piece of candy.
  • At the end of 10 minutes, the hunters counted their candy. After both sides had a chance to be hunters, the person who gathered the most candy was declared Champion.
  • Orion played a healer and, as noted in the story, won by trading heals for honey.

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