Friday, October 19, 2018

Assault on King's Landing

Battle of Blackwater Bay - Part Two

Despite taking severe losses from Joffrey's wild fire (as accounted previously), the forces of Stannis Baratheon managed to land at the gates of King's Landing.

They rushed up the beach to the gates and began to batter them down. Joffrey's men sallied forth. There began a brutal fight under the walls of the beleaguered city.

But Stannis's troops proved too strong for Joffrey. The gates fell and the way into the city was open.

But then a trumpet sounded from the west. The struggling soldiers all turned to look. A new army, bearing the colors of the Lannisters and Tyrells, had arrived!

OOC Notes

  • For the second part of the Game of Thrones scenarios, we played a castle battle. There were 2 entrances into the city. Stannis's troops had to annihilate their opposition.
  • The scenario was intended for Stannis to win. His troops had unlimited lives while Joffrey's forces had 5 lives each. The goal was to eliminate the defenders as quickly as possible. I let each team be the attackers and then compared times. The second team (I forgot who was captain) won handily.
  • This scenario was merely a set-up for the final scenario, which will be a fight for the fate of King's Landing pitting the reinforced Lannister/Tyrell forces vs. Stannis. We did not get to play it last weekend. If permitted, I will run another Game of Thrones day where we complete the battle.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently I forgot to record it but we eventually completed the Blackwater scenarios (I don't recall when or who was involved). Stannis managed to defeat the Lannister/Tyrell relieving force, thus overthrowing Joffrey and taking the Iron Throne. All hail King Stannis!
