Sunday, October 14, 2018

Battle of Blackwater Bay

Part One

The navy of Stannis Baratheon, true heir to the throne of the Seven Kingdoms, slid into Blackwater Bay, preparatory for an attack on King's Landing. King Stannis was determined to end the reign of the bastard Joffrey, who erroneously claimed to be the eldest son of the late King Robert Baratheon. By taking the capital, Stannis would ascend the Iron Throne and gain the honor he deserved.

The vanguard of the fleet was met by a few paltry ships of the bastard. But then disaster struck.

A hail of wild fire struck the fleet, obliterating it in seconds. Although Ser Davos Seaworth was thrown from his ship, he was quickly rescued by the second wave and took command. He tried a flanking maneuver but was driven off.

Then, Sallador Saan led the remainder of the fleet in a mad rush across the bay. The wild corsairs under his command swept the enemy from the shore, establishing a foothold at the base of the walls of King's Landing. King Stannis landed and prepared to storm the city.

OOC Notes

  • As I mentioned in my last post, the Kingdom of Neverwinter is doing a Game of Thrones themed reign, so I have been running GoT scenarios. Today we did the Battle of the Blackwater.
  • The first scenario, described above, involved an amphibious landing. Stannis's army had 4 boats (sticks of Frost King foam) and had to make its way through the bay (the battlefield), land on shore, and seize a control point. To prevent them, Joffrey's force had 2 boats, and wild fire (fireballs). 
  • I let each team take a turn as the invaders. In the first run, Xhorja (playing Davos) and his force was wiped out by fireballs in their first attempt. Later, Xhorja managed to make it to shore, but was quickly killed.
  • In the second run, I limited the wild fire because it was too overpowering. I guess that was true to GoT. Also, the second team (led by Hollywood) tried a different strategy. They made a mad rush to the shore. Quickly overpowering the defenders, they seized the objective for the win.
  • Next time, I will make the boats move at a walking pace. Hollywood's mad rush kind of broke the scenario, although it was good strategy.

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